Activity Details

Online food video competition on Paired states in Google Meet platform
The students of Ihm Gwalior were invited to take part in the Online food video competition by preparing 2½ minute Edited video of any pairing states i.e.Madhya Pradesh ,Manipur and Nagaland. The faculty coordinators from the IHM Gwalior were Mr. Feroz Khan,Mr. Abhinav Bhat and Mr. Narendra Singh Lodhi. The judge of the competition was Mr. Harpreet Singh(Executive chef Vinayak Hotel Gwalior). After careful evaluation of the video Mr. Rishabh Sethi from 2nd Semester IHM Gwalior adjudge as the win
Ministry of Tourism - Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)
Dissemination of Information About the Paired State  
IHM Gwalior
29/07/2020   to   29/07/2020
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