“The beauty of the world lies in differences, not in similarities”
“Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam” campaign has been launched to celebrate ‘Diversity’ and ‘Art’. The essence of this campaign is to encourage participants (Age 18 to 30 years) to recognise and embrace other cultures and thus in the process of doing it, instilling the spirit of “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”. This is a unique opportunity for participants to display their talent in art forms such as Dance, Singing, Photography and Painting, Sculpting/Sketching. The only condition is that participants would have to perform in art forms/languages of other States/UTs (other than their home state).
- Step 1: Choose a Category for your performance. Refer Detailed Guidelines below to know about the Categories.
- Step 2: Select any State or UT for your performance except your home State/UT. Your performance shall relate with the State/UT you have selected.
- Step 3: Record your performance and post it on any of your social media pages viz. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Make your post public.
- Step 4: Use Main Hashtags (#EkBharatShreshthaBharat and #EkBharatSanskritiSangam) and Category Specific Hashtags for your post. Refer Detailed Guidelines below.
- Step 5 (For New Users): Register yourself on Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam Campaign Page (Here). On registration, User-ID and Password will be sent to your E-mail ID.
- Step 6: Login to Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam Page (Here) and submit the link of your Instagram/Facebook/YouTube/Twitter Post only.
- Step 7: Get as many likes on your social media post. Your post will also be displayed on “Performance Gallery” (Here). Get people to vote for you on Performance Gallery.
- Step 8: At the end of Phase, upload a screenshot of your social media post (showing the number of likes received), in the “Like Scorecard” tab of your login page. Please also mention the number of likes received. Deadline for uploading Phase-3 Screenshot is 15.00 hrs. (i.e., 3 PM), 16th October.
- “Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam” is a 3-month campaign divided into 3 phases commencing on 29th July, 2023 and concluding on Ekta Diwas i.e., 31st October, 2023.
- Campaign is open to Indian citizens. Participants must be between the age group of 18 to 30 years.
- Participants must first register themselves here.

Participation is invited in following categories:
- Dancing (Traditional, Regional, Classical, Folk etc. of the selected State/UT)
- Singing (Traditional, Classical, Regional, Folk etc. of the selected State/UT)
- Painting/Sketching/Sculpting (Monuments, Culture, Festivals, Places, Traditional art forms etc. of the selected State/UT). Please note that digital painting is not permitted.
- Photography (Monuments, Culture, Festivals, Places etc. of selected State/UT)
- Participants can select any State or UT (except their home State/UT) for their performance. The performances should relate with the State/UT which has been selected.
- Participants are required to post their act/performance/work on their Social Media pages viz. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter (“Social Media”) only.
Guidelines for posting content on social media:
(1) Photography:- There shall be only one photograph, entries with reels not to be considered eligible.
- The pictures should have proper captions reflecting the message participant wants to convey
- It should align with theme of Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam (“EBSS”)
- It should be in video format showing the participant singing, not just audio
- Participant shall introduce himself/ herself as well as EBSS before beginning of the performance.
- The video shall be at least 2 minutes long with proper instrumental/ background music
- Participant shall post at least two photographs – one of their art and another while drawing it or
- May post approx. 1 minute long clips/ videos while doing the activity.
- The posts shall have caption reflecting the message participant wants to convey
- Participant shall introduce himself/ herself as well as EBSS before beginning the performance.
- Video shall be at least 2 minutes long
Participants are required to use the following hashtags in their posts as per the respective
Main Hashtag: #EkBharatShreshthaBharat AND #EkBharatSanskritiSangam
Category-Specific Hashtags:- Dancing: #NrityaSangamUtsav
- Singing: #SwarSangamUtsav
- Painting/Sketching/Sculpting: #ChitraSanskritiSangamUtsav
- Photography: #ChhaviSrijanUtsav
- Participants must submit the link of your social media post here. Only submitted entries on portal will be considered and evaluated.
- Participants are encouraged to garner as many likes as possible on their Social Media post/video.
- The art work or performances of the participants will also be visible (after due moderation) on the “Performance Gallery” (here) for the purpose of public voting. Participants are encouraged to get votes on the Performance Gallery as well.
- At the end of each phase, the participants will have to upload a screenshot of their Social Media post/video under the "Likes Scorecard" tab on their login page, clearly showing the number of likes they have received. Participants will also have to type the number of likes manually.
- The cut-off time for uploading the screenshots will be 15.00 hrs. (i.e., 3 PM) on the last day of the respective phase.
Start Date | 29th July, 2023 |
Phase–I Submission Window | 29th July – 21st August, 2023 |
Phase-II Submission Window | 22nd August - 19th September, 2023 |
Phase-III Submission Window | 20th September – 16th October, 2023 |
Campaign Winner Announcement | 21st October (Tentative) |
Grand Ceremony on Ekta Diwas | 31st October, 2023 |

We value transparency, accountability and objectivity. Hence, a suitable evaluation mechanism has been devised which will take into account multiple criteria for evaluation. Participants will be evaluated on following criteria: (1) Social Media Likes (2) EBSB Portal Votes and (3) Jury Points
A. Evaluation Mechanism for Monthly Winners/Runners-up:
Social Media Points |
EBSB Portal Points |
Jury Points |
Result Declaration |
B. Evaluation Mechanism for Campaign Winners/Runners-up:
Points Locking |
Summation of Points |
Jury Points |
A. Monthly/Phase-wise Winners & Runners-up
- Cash Prize of Rs. 20,000/- and Rs. 10,000/- for the Winners and Runners-up in each category
- Medallions and Certificates
- Opportunity to have an offline/online interactive session with senior bureaucrats at Ministry of Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi to reflect on performances, experience, diversity etc.
- Display of performances on EBSB Website under Winner’s Hall of Fame and endorsement on EBSB social media pages providing national recognition

B. Campaign Winners/Runners-up
- Cash Prize of Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- each for the Winners and Runners-up in each category
- Trophies and Certificates
- Opportunity to perform or display exhibitions live at the Grand Ceremony on Ekta Diwas Day i.e. 31st October . (The event would have a national coverage)
- Opportunity to meet with the Hon’ble Minister of Education or Hon’ble Minister of State Education at the felicitation ceremony
- Display of performances on EBSB Website under Winner’s Hall of Fame and endorsement on EBSB social media pages providing national recognition
- Participants must complete the registration form accurately and provide valid contact details.
- Participants will be required to submit their age and home State/UT at the time of registration. Please note that Winners/Runners-up will be asked to submit the relevant physical proofs/IDs at the time of verification. Any discrepancy found will lead to disqualification.
- Participants must adhere to the specified guidelines and formats for the posts. Any non-compliance will lead to disqualification.
- All entries must be submitted on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat portal ( Entries submitted through any other mode will not be considered for evaluation.
- Plagiarism or the use of copyrighted material is strictly prohibited. Performances, Photos, videos etc. must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957. If any entry is found infringing on others, the entry will be disqualified from the competition.
- Participant & profile owner should be the same. Mismatch will lead to disqualification.
- The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable, or inappropriate content.
- Entries must be submitted within the specified deadline. Late entries will not be considered.
- Participants are allowed to take part in multiple categories in a particular phase, however they can only submit 1 entry per category in a particular phase.
- The winners will be intimated over e-mail/mobile contact provided in their registration forms.
- Organisers reserve the right to reject any entry that does not feel suitable or appropriate or which does not conform to any of the conditions listed above.
- By submitting their posts on the EBSB portal, participants confirm that they have read and agree to our Privacy Policy and Consent Agreement.
- In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organizers reserve the right to amend or withdraw the competition at any time. For the avoidance of doubt this includes the right to amend the terms and conditions as well.
- By sending the entries, the participants accept and agrees to be bound by the Terms & Conditions.
- Participants are required to create and submit fresh posts for the "Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam" campaign and make content that has not been previously published or shared on any social media platform before the commencement of respective phases.
- The content of the posts should align with the theme of the campaign, which is to celebrate diversity and art. Participants must perform or showcase their talent in art forms/languages of states/UTs other than their home state/UT.
- Participants are responsible for creating high-quality, clear, visually appealing, and technically sound content. Poor audio or video quality may affect the overall evaluation of the submission.
- Participants must adhere to the content guidelines and specifications of each social media platform (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter) while creating their posts. They should familiarize themselves with the respective platform's terms of service and community guidelines.
- All posts must include the relevant campaign hashtags (as mentioned) to ensure visibility and participation tracking.
- Participants are solely responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided in their posts. Any false or misleading information may result in disqualification from the campaign.
- Participants should keep a backup of their posts and maintain the original content until the campaign concludes. The Ministry of Education will not be responsible for any loss or deletion of content.