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A tele film on the freedom fighters of the Manipur and Nagaland
The idea of the of the documentary movie was to promote the sacrifice of freedom fighters from Manipur and Nagaland for Indian Independence. Welcome address was done by Dr. M.K.Dash (Principal I/C, IHM Gwalior). Host and co-host of the meeting were: 1.Mr Anuj Gupta (Lecturer, IHM Gwalior) 2.Mr. Manoj Yadav (Lecturer, IHM Gwalior) The show depicted the contribution of brave hearts from the state of Nagaland and Manipur during the time of World War 2. It also describes the culture, tourism,
Ministry of Tourism - Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)
Dissemination of Information About the Paired State  
IHM Gwalior Organised a
15/08/2020   to   15/08/2020
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