Activity Details
Webinar-Online Skill Development Programme
The School of Commerce of Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) conducted a 3 day student enrichment programme on topic “Learners to Leaders” from 09-06-2020 to 11-06-2020. Mr. Murali Shankar, Alumni, Guru Nanak College, Leadership coach, MGBT Behavioural analyst, CCA certified Leadership Coach and a Senior Facilitator representing Think Future HR Consulting Private Limited was the guest speaker. He gave inputs on the role of a leader and leadership qualities to be inbuilt in all individuals. Around |
Ministry of Education- Higher Education - RUSA funded Institutions | |
Guru Nanak College (Autonomous) | |
Online Interactions | |
Online | |
09/06/2020 to 11/06/2020 | |
400 | |
1 | |
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