Activity Details

Annual Sports Day
Our college Intramural compitition for the year 2019-20 were held in the month of January and February 2020 for the following games and sports for men and women separately. 1. Kabaddi 2. Volleyball 3. Football for men 4. KHO-KHO for women 5. Cricket for men 6. Throwball for women 7. Badminton singles and doubles 8. Chess and 9. Athletes. Students took part in all sports and games very interestingly and enthusiastical. Winners and Runners were received trophies and certificate from our
Ministry of Education- Higher Education - RUSA funded Institutions
Government Arts College for Men, Krishnagiri
Sporting Events  
Govt Arts College For Men, Outdoor Stadium, Krish
10/02/2020   to   19/02/2020
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