Activity Details

COVID-19, World Environment Day, International Day and International Day Against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking,2020
EBSB activities in the Month of June, 2020 Report on the activities conducted under EBSB for the month of June, 2020 Name of the State: Meghalaya Sl.No Name of activities Place/ Institution date Number of Participants Remark if any 1 Distribution of MUSK to vegetable sellers and cold drinks to persons on duty for COVID-19 Mendipathar Market Area 3rd June, 2020 Students-6 Teachers-2 Total=8 Service to Humanity on COVID-19 2 World Environment Day, 2020 College Campus 5t
Ministry of Education- Higher Education - RUSA funded Institutions
Mendipathar College
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EBSB activities in th
03/07/2020   to   26/07/2020
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