Activity Details

A debate competition Impact of tourism on the north eastern states (Manipur and Nagaland) of India
IHM Gwalior Organised a “?????? ?? ?????- ??????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ???????? ???????????” on Google meet from 2:00 PM To 3:00 PM .The host and co-host of the event were:Mrs. Sandhya Singhal & Ms. Joyce Jambiakkam(Assistant Lecturer, IHM Gwalior) Students from several colleges participated in the competition out of which nine were students were contestants for the debate and rest fifty participants.Several students participated in the webinar .
Ministry of Tourism - Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)
Online Interactions  
Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Activities at Institut
20/08/2020   to   20/08/2020
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