Activity Details

10 Rotaractors were taught basic first aid techniques such as CPR, AID which is to be used during medical emergency situations . KAAPPOM was a 2days session in which both theoritical as well as practical trainings were given using Advanced Mannequins. The aim of KAAPPOM is to offer empowerment to a common man through training sessions titled as PEER ( Personal Empowerment in Emergency Response ) with the help of experienced Trainers from ALERT NGO.
Ministry of Education- Higher Education - RUSA funded Institutions
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College (Autonomous)
Dissemination of Information About the Paired State  
Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College (Aut
03/01/2020   to   04/01/2020
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