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National Unity Day celebrated by NSS Cell & Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Club of GHRCE Nagpur & CVRGU Bhubaneshwar
31st October is observed as National Unity day (Rashtriya Ekta Diwas) in India every year. This day celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. This day observed to foster & reinforce our dedication to preserve & strengthen unity, integrity & security for our Nation, by reinforcing the value of strong & united India. In view of this day, National Service Scheme (NSS) Cell & EK Bharat Shreshta Bharat (EBSB) Club of G H Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur (GHRCE) & C V Raman Global University (CVRGU), Bhubaneshwar Odisha held an online program to celebrate National unity Day. Both institutions are paired under the EBSB scheme of AICTE since 2 years & conducted many events. The program was anchored by Ms. Anisha Khairkar, NSS President. The program started with the preamble by Prof. Mangesh Bhorkar followed by speeches in multiple languages containing English, Hindi, Marathi, Odiya on unity in diversity by Mr. Shubhrasnhu Pani (CVRGU), Ms. Shital Punde (GHRCE), Sheetal Mohopatra (CVRGU) & Mr. Sagar Sahu (GHRCE). After this Dance performance by Ms. Pooja Madankar (GHRCE), Ms. Jyotirmayee Mohanti (CVRGU) were done. Mr. Subhakant (CVRGU) performed a song on ‘Vande Mataram’. The motto behind conduction of this program to sensitize students about unity, integrity for our nation said by Prof. Bhorkar in his speech. Dr. Anup Kundu, EBSB Coordinator CVRGU given the concluding remarks and Ms. Anisha Khairkar presented the vote of thanks. The program was well organised by Mr. Shubhrasnhu Pani, Ms. Sheetal Mohopatra & Ms. Anisha Khairkar under the observation of Prof. Mangesh Bhorkar, NSS Program Officer & EBSB Nodal Officer of GHRCE. The program was well conducted under the valued guidance of Dr. Sachin Untawale Chief Executive Officer RGI & Director GHRCE Nagpur and Dr. O. S. Bihade Executive Director RGI.
Ministry of Education- Higher Education - AICTE regulated Institutions
Utsavs and Mahotsavs   National Days
Online platform at GHRCE Nagpur
31/10/2021   to   31/10/2021
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