Learning the language of the Paired State

Language is perhaps one of the biggest markers of India’s diversity. The objective of EBSB is to familiarize people with the languages of their paired states so that they acquire a basic level of ability to communicate with people of that state. Several initiatives are being taken to enable and encourage students in educational institutions and schools as well as general public for learning an Indian language other than their mother tongue. For example, Radio jockeys speak sentences in language of the paired states in their popular programmes. . Proverbs with similar meaning are recognized and learnt by students. Songs are also translated in the language of the paired state. Pledges like Swachchta / Ekta etc are taken in the language of the paired state. The campaign ‘Aaj Ka Vakya’ was initiated in March’20 through which one sentence with translation in 22 languages was made available through this website as well as social media everyday.

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