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National Unity Fest
National Unity Day: A Celebration of Unity in Diversity Each year, on October 31st, India commemorates National Unity Day, a day dedicated to remembering the iron-willed Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, affectionately known as the "Iron Man of India." This day transcends mere remembrance; it serves as a potent reminder of the unwavering spirit of unity that stitched together the disparate princely states and diverse populations into the vibrant tapestry we call India. Sardar Patel's legacy lies not just in political acumen, but in his unwavering belief in the potential of a united India. He tirelessly navigated the complexities of post-independence, integrating over 560 princely states into the Union, defying the naysayers who prophesied chaos and division. His vision, like the colossal Statue of Unity that now stands tall in his honor, embodies the unwavering resolve that bound a nation together. But National Unity Day isn't just about hailing past heroes. It's a clarion call to each of us, the inheritors of this diverse and multifaceted nation, to actively weave the threads of unity. In a world increasingly fragmented by differences, we stand as a testament to the enduring power of "unity in diversity." Our languages may differ, our customs may vary, our religions may diverge, yet we are bound by an invisible thread – the thread of shared history, shared struggle, and a shared dream for a stronger, brighter India. On this National Unity Day, let us pledge to celebrate our differences while embracing our oneness. Let us bridge divides, foster understanding, and actively counter the forces that seek to fragment our nation. Let us remember Sardar Patel's words: "A nation's strength lies not in its physical power, but in its character and the goodwill of its people." Let us be the generation that not only remembers his legacy but actively embodies it, ensuring that the vibrant tapestry of India remains forever united, strong, and resplendent.
Ministry of Education- Higher Education - AICTE regulated Institutions
Utsavs and Mahotsavs   Other Important Days celebration
Jaipuria Institute of management Noida
31/10/2023   to   31/10/2023
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