Activity Details

“PowerPoint making competition under EBSB
IHM Gwalior has organised an offline ppt making competition on the paired states of Manipur and Nagaland. The topics were given to the students like, tourist destinations of Manipur, hornbill festivals etc. Based on the topics the students prepared ppt and presented in front of the audience. It was evaluated by the judges. Internal resource persons 1. Mr. Abhinav Bhat (Asst. Lecturer, IHM Gwalior) 2. Mr. J.S. Mathew (Sr. lecturer, IHM Gwalior)
Ministry of Tourism - Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)
Dissemination of Information About the Paired State   Talk
CIHM Gwalior
26/11/2021   to   26/11/2021
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