Activity Details

Translation of proverbs
Proverbs are sentences used by people to convey wisdom, truth or morals that have been handed down for generations. Translating them from one language into another has been a matter of interest because of their importance as it can be a lot of fun, because you get to know how the people of a country think. As part of Morning Assembly Activity, translation of proverbs from Malayalam to Hindi was taken up by Kum.Rameesa and Kum.Arya of Class: VIII
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Palakkad
Learning the language of the Paired State   Alphabets taught in Prayer Assembly in Partnering state language
Morning Assembly, M P Hall
18/02/2023   to   18/02/2023
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