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IHM Gwalior Organised A virtual session on the exploring the Nagaland on google meet
The idea of the webinar on Nagaland is to make the students aware about the culture, heritage, food habits and livelihood of the people in Nagaland. Our keynote speaker Dr. Nezio Puro has ignited some key factors of tourism potential in Nagaland which can be utilised to bewitch tourists from in and around the world. It will eventually revive the tourism economy of North- east andIndia as well. Keynote speaker Dr. Nezio Puro (Professor, Nagaland University) Internal resource persons 1. Mr. Bankim Joardar (Sr. Lecturer, IHM Gwalior) 2. Rajat Roy Chowdhury (Asst. lecturer, IHM Gwalior)
Ministry of Tourism - Institute of Hotel Management (IHM)
Online Interactions   Webinar
CIHM Gwalior
16/09/2021   to   16/09/2021
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