Activities completed

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Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav ,Celebration of National Unity Day with taking Pledge and class 9 to 12 inter school band competition of Gujarat
EBSB Reports
EBSB Annual Report by States/UTs
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Gujarat : Chhattisgarh
01-10-2021 to 31-10-2021
Activities Conducted Under Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB) Due to COVID pandemic, online sessions on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat has been included in Home Learning program and were uploaded on DIKSHA Platform, YouTube channel and their links has been shared with the students, teachers and parents via social media.Due to COVID pandemic, online sessions on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat has been included in Home Learning program and were uploaded on DIKSHA Platform, YouTube channel and their links h
Monthly Report for October - 2021 videos of Home Learning program include session on different themes which are aligned with EBSB and connected to paired state Chhattisgarh. These videos are uploaded on DIKSHA portal as well as in Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube channel. The topic covered in the video content is attached below.  Information Regarding Each Session of October – 2021  Session 1: October 9th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about famous Gandhian Thoughts of Cleanliness (Swachhchta).  Session 2: October 13th, 2021: The second session of this month was focussed on providing information regarding Various Place at Where Mahatma Gandhi was Study.  Session 3: October 16th, 2021: In this session students were informed about Gandhiji visited various places of Chhattisgarh.  Session 4: October 23th, 2021: The second session of this month was focussed on providing information regarding Various Place at Where Mahatma Gandhi was Study.  Session 5: October 30th, 2021: In this session students were informed about Mahatma Gandhi`s 11 famous Vows (Mahavrato) like as Satya (truthfulness), Ahimsa (non-violence), Asteya (No Stealing), Aparigraha (No Possessions), Brahma charya (Self-discipline including chastity), Sharirshrama ( Working for daily food), Sparshbhavana (Against idea of untouchability), Swadeshi (use locally made goods), Aswada (Control of diet), Sarva Dharma Samantva (Equality of all Religions), Sarvatra Bhayavarjana ( Fearlessness)  Session 6: October 31st, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about RASHTRIYA EKTA DIVAS PLEDGE in Gujarati, Hindi and English Language of paired state.
“Life of Mahatma Gandhi” as a part of celebrating “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”.
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Gujarat : Chhattisgarh
01-10-2021 to 31-10-2021
Due to COVID pandemic, online sessions on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat has been included in Home Learning program and were uploaded on DIKSHA Platform, YouTube channel and their links has been shared with the students, teachers and parents via social media.
These videos are uploaded on DIKSHA portal as well as in Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube channel. The topic covered in the video content is attached below.  Information Regarding Each Session of October – 2021  Session 1: October 9th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about famous Gandhian Thoughts of Cleanliness (Swachhchta).  Session 2: October 13th, 2021: The second session of this month was focussed on providing information regarding Various Place at Where Mahatma Gandhi was Study.  Session 3: October 16th, 2021: In this session students were informed about Gandhiji visited various places of Chhattisgarh.  Session 4: October 23th, 2021: The second session of this month was focussed on providing information regarding Various Place at Where Mahatma Gandhi was Study.  Session 5: October 30th, 2021: In this session students were informed about Mahatma Gandhi`s 11 famous Vows (Mahavrato) like as Satya (truthfulness), Ahimsa (non-violence), Asteya (No Stealing), Aparigraha (No Possessions), Brahma charya (Self-discipline including chastity), Sharirshrama ( Working for daily food), Sparshbhavana (Against idea of untouchability), Swadeshi (use locally made goods), Aswada (Control of diet), Sarva Dharma Samantva (Equality of all Religions), Sarvatra Bhayavarjana ( Fearlessness)
Cluster Level Kala Utsav-2021 under various categories- Classical Song, Classical Dance, Folk Song,Folk Dance, Instrumental Music, Indigenous Toy Making, Poster and Sculpture Making
Utsavs and Mahotsavs
Kala Utsav
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
15-09-2021 to 30-09-2021
JNV Palakkad
Our students participated in the Cluster Level Kala Utsav-2021 under various categories-Classical Song, Classical Dance, Folk Song,Folk Dance, Instrumental Music, Indigenous Toy Making, Poster and Sculpture Making. Four of our Students got selected to participate in the Regional Level Kala Utsav in Classical Song , Classical Dance, Indigenous Toy Making and Instrumental Music
Reading of partner Folklore
EBSB Reports
EBSB Annual Report by States/UTs
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Madhya Pradesh : Manipur and Nagaland
01-09-2021 to 30-09-2021
School or home
reading of partner state folklore
Share Cuisines of Your Region: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
EBSB Reports
EBSB Annual Report by States/UTs
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Gujarat : Chhattisgarh
01-09-2021 to 30-09-2021
Due to COVID pandemic, online sessions on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat included in Home Learning program have been uploaded in DIKSHA Platform and YouTube channel and linked is shared with the students.
Samagra Shiksha Gujarat has prepared videos content related on the theme “Share Cuisines of Your Region: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”. We have prepared 7 videos on different Dishes (cuisines) including Gujarat and Chhattisgarh with live making and recipes of cuisines along with the names of the local ingredients. These videos are uploaded on DIKSHA portal as well as in Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube channel. The topic covered in the video content is attached below.  Information Regarding Each Session of September – 2021  Session 1: September 4th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about famous cuisine called Kuler, a dish of Gujarat and Babara, a dish of Chhattisgarh. Video content was prepared to share detailed cooking process of both the dishes.  Session 2: September 11th, 2021: The second session of this month was focussed on providing information regarding making of Puri from Wheat and Rice of paired state.  Session 3: September 18th, 2021: In this session students were informed about how to make a dish of Chilla and Pulla with use of Rice and gram flour of paired state.  Session 4: September 23rd, 2021: In this session students were informed about recipes of Khurmi and Kansar.  Session 5: September 25th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about a recipes of Shiro and Barfi from Semolina of paired state.  Session 6: September 27th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform about the recipes of Gulabjamun and Fara of paired state  Session 7: September 30th, 2021: In this session students were informed about making of Muthiya which is famous in Gujarat and Thethari of Chhattisgarh.
Essay Writing, One school one project on "Mera Gaon Meri Dharaohar, Virtual Morning Assembly and Visit to memorial of freedom fighters
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
01-09-2021 to 30-09-2021
JNV Palakkad and Sabari Ashram, Palakkad
(d)Visit to residence or memorial of freedom fighters Children visited Sabari Ashram, Akathethara Panchayat, Palakkad- the memorial of Krishnaswamy Iyer . Sabari Ashram in Palakkad is the only place in Kerala where Mahatma Gandhi visited three times. Born in 1890, he was brought up in a very orthodox Brahmin family and he soon found himself in the epicenter of the freedom struggle from British rule. He courageously started displaying his social responsibility by educating and initiating Dalits (untouchables) into Brahminhood much to the fury of the elders in the community. When he showed no signs of listening to their advice, Krishna was ostracized from his community. He continued his service for the untouchables through the Sabari Ashram that stands even today, which is committed to the cause of educating Dalits. Mahatma Gandhi knew and adored Krishna and always paid him a visit during each of his tours to southern India. There are anecdotes which mention an incident when Krishna saved Gandhiji from riots by stopping a train and taking Gandhiji to a safe place before the train reached the station.
Swachhata Pakhwada
Learning the language of the Paired State
Pledge on Swachhta/oath taking/ Pledge On Swachh Bharath/ Single use Plastic/Water Saving
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
01-09-2021 to 15-09-2021
JNV Palakkad
Swachhata Pakhwada was observed with focused participation of students, teachers and community to promote covid related preparedness among the school community. The activities focused on the role of school in ushering “ Clean India”  Swachhata Pledge  Community Outreach Day  Green School Drive  Slogan, Painting and Essay Writing Competition  Artifacts made out of waste  Hand Wash Day  Personal Hygiene Day
Hindi Pakhwada
Cultural Exchange
Cultural Programmes – Dance, Music, Drama, Literary Festivals, Lecture- Demonstrations in schools, colleges
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
01-09-2021 to 15-09-2021
JNV Palakkad
हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह 2021 (1-9-2021 से 15-9-2021 तक) HINDI FORTNIGHT CELEBRATIONS 2021 प्रतिवेदन /REPORT भूतवर्ष वर्षों के समान विद्यालय में 1-9-2021 से 15-9-21 तक विविध प्रतियोगिताओं एवं कार्यक्रमों के साथ हिन्दी पखवाड़ा मनाया गया , जिसमें विद्यार्थी एवं सभी कर्मचारी सक्रिय रूप से भाग लिए | समिति के दिशा निर्देशाओं का पालन करके कार्यक्रमों का गठन किया गया | सर्वप्रथम राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति के सदस्यों की एक बैठक बुलाई गई , जिसमें पखवाड़ा मनाने के संबंध में सविस्तार चर्चा की गई | उदघाटन समारोह 1 सितंबर को प्राचार्य श्रीमती॰ सी॰वी॰प्रमीला ने दीप प्रज्वलित करके किया | इस कार्यक्रम में विद्यालय के शिक्षक एवं गैर-शिक्षक गण भाग लिए | श्री राम दास (टी ॰जी॰टी॰ हिन्दी ) ने स्वागत भाषण दिये | श्री शिवदासन एरत (पी॰जी॰टी॰ हिन्दी) ने भूमिका भाषण दिये और हिन्दी भाषा की विशेषता , राजभाषा के रूप में उसकी महत्ता एवं हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के संबंध में सविस्तार जानकारी दी | प्राचार्य ने विद्यालय के हिन्दी में कार्यकलापों पर ज़ोर देते हुए समसामयिक परिवेश में हिन्दी भाषा सीखने एवं प्रयोग करने की मांग पर ज़ोर दिया | श्रीमती षीबा रवीन्द्रन (टी जी टी हिन्दी ) ने कृतज्ञता ज्ञापित की | जैसा की कोविड महामारी के कारण विद्यालय में छात्र छात्राओं के उपस्थिती नहीं है ,सभी प्रतियोगिताएं ऑन लाइन स्तर पर आयोजित की गई| हिन्दी में वाचन , सुलेख, निबंध लेखन , भाषण , कविता रचना आदि प्रतियोगिताएं आयोजित की गई | कार्यक्रमों का मूल्यांकन लाइव स्तर पर भी किया गया | हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह के दिनों में विद्यालय के प्रवेश द्वार पर पखवाड़ा 2021 समारोह का बैनर लटका गया | “आज का हिन्दी शब्द” पट पर उपयोगी एवं चुने गए हिन्दी -अंग्रेज़ी शब्द प्रदर्शित किए गए | सूचना पर पर सुविचार एवं ज्ञानवर्धक विषय पर टिप्पणी भी प्रदर्शित की गई| 14 सितंबर को हिन्दी दिवस भी मनाया गया | इस दिन शिक्षक एवं गैर शिक्षकों के लिए राजभाषा कौशल प्रतियोगिता का भी आयोजन किया गया | विद्यालय में हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह का समापन कार्यक्रम 15 सितंबर को अपराहन 12.15 बजे आयोजित किया गया , जिसमें श्री अनिल कुमार ( अधीक्षक , ज़िला कारागार , पालक्काड ) मुख्यातिथि रहें| उन्होने नवोदय विद्यालय में हिन्दी भाषा एवं उसके सक्रिय प्रयोग पर संतुष्टि प्रकट करते हुए ऐसे समारोहों की मांग को देश के लिए ज़रूरी बताई | हिन्दी भाषा बोलनेवालों की संख्या दिनों दिन बढ़ती जा रही है | समापन समारोह में श्रीमती सी॰ वी॰ प्रमीका अध्यक्षा रही | श्री रामदास पी (टी॰जी॰टी हिन्दी ) ने स्वागत भाषण दिये | श्री शिवदासन एरत (पी॰जी॰टी॰ हिन्दी ) ने हिन्दी पखवाड़े की रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत की | प्राचार्या ने विद्यालय में आयोजित हिन्दी पखवाड़ा कार्यक्रमों की जानकारी भी दी और कर्मचारियों को आह्वान दिया कि वे अपने दैनंदिन जीवन में हिन्दी का अधिक से अधिक प्रयोग करें | राजभाषा कौशल प्रतियोगिताओं के विजेताओं को मुख्यातिथि श्री अनिल कुमार ने पुरस्कार एवं प्रमाण पत्र वितरित किए | श्री जेम्स (पी जी टी वाणिज्य) ने कृतज्ञता प्रकट की और चालू वर्ष के हिन्दी पखवाड़ा समारोह सफलता पूर्वक विद्यालय में मनाया गया |
Dissemination of Information About the Paired State
Talks by students and teachers on paired States/UTs related to their latest news, history, culture etc
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Punjab : Andhra Pradesh
01-09-2021 to 30-09-2021
March Past with Indian National Flag
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
31-08-2021 to 31-08-2021
JNV Palakkad
Students with their siblings paid tribute to their Motherland India by performing the March Past holding the National Flag. In commemoration of 75 years of India’s Independence, , documentary films produced by the Films Division, Ministry of I&B was screened to the students by the Social Science Department during their online classes
Onam Celebration
Cultural Exchange
Any other activity
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
31-08-2021 to 31-08-2021
JNV Palakkad
A video was made by the students celebrating Onam festival in their traditional attire laying Onam Pookalam in their courtyard, offering prayers at temple, preparation of Onam Sadhya welcoming the King Mahabali and wishing all a very happy Onam
A Historical Monument
Cultural Exchange
Any other activity
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Chandigarh and Puducherry : Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
23-08-2021 to 27-08-2021
Daman and Diu and Puducherry
A Historical Monument - Daman and Diu and Puducherry
EK BHARATH SHRESHTA BHARATH - Tourism of Puducherry and Daman Diu
Cultural Exchange
Any other activity
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
Chandigarh and Puducherry : Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
23-08-2021 to 03-09-2021
Puducherry and Daman Diu
EK BHARATH SHRESHTA BHARATH - Tourism of Puducherry and Daman Diu
Fit India Freedom Run
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
15-08-2021 to 31-08-2021
JNV Palakkad
FIT INDIA FREEDOM RUN 2.0 was organised to commemorate the 75th Independence Day - "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to encourage fitness and help us all to get freedom from obesity, laziness, stress, anxiety, diseases etc. The concept behind this run is that “It can be run anywhere, anytime!”.
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Himachal Pradesh : Kerala
15-08-2021 to 15-08-2021
JNV Palakkad
: In an initiative by the Ministry of Culture to mark Azadi Ka Amruth Mahotsav, the staff and students participated and self recorded their rendition of the National Anthem which was uploaded on the portal

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