Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam

You can register yourself by visiting Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Portal (https://ekbharat.gov.in/) and clicking on ‘Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam’ icon under the “Ongoing Campaign” section or alternatively, you can visit the following link (Register for Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam). Once registered, a password will be generated and sent over your E-mail. You can use your E-mail and Password to login into the Campaign Page and submit your performance.
No, participants do not have to pay any registration fee.
The cut-off date for determining the age limit is 29th July, 2023 i.e. the launch date of the Campaign. A person who is between the age group of 18 years & 0 days to 30 years & 364 days (as of 29th July, 2023) is eligible to participate in the Campaign.
No, participants must record their performances or acts and post them on their own Social Media Platforms. Only the link to their Social Media Post/YouTube Video has to be submitted on the Portal. Please refer to Terms and Conditions for details.
Please wait for 2 working days, our team will be moderating your content meanwhile. You will receive an intimation mail within 2 working days. In exceptional cases if you still have not received an intimation mail, then please reach out to us at ebsbypmhrd@gmail.com.
Please note for the Ek Bharat Sanskriti Sangam Campaign, a total of 28 States and 8 UTs have been divided into 3 buckets of 12 places each, and each bucket is assigned to a specific phase/period of Competition. Please refer to Terms and Conditions for details.
Also, your resident State or UT would be excluded from the dropdown list since the primary pre-requisite/condition for the Campaign is to select other State or UT for the performance to strengthen the spirit of “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”.
No, Participants can only submit 1 performance in each category
Yes, participation across multiple categories is allowed
You can record your performance and post on your Social Media Platforms viz. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and/or Twitter.
Participants may post their performance over multiple Social Media Platforms. However, links to a maximum of two Platforms can be submitted on the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat portal. Social Media Platforms selected at the time of submitting the entry cannot be changed later for that particular phase of competition.
Please refer to the Terms and Conditions. You can access the same from the link below. Terms and Conditions
Yes, participants are encouraged to participate across all the three phases to maximize their chances of becoming Campaign Winners at the end. The scores of all the three phases will be taken into account at the time of evaluating the Campaign Winners.
Participants are required to submit the screenshot of their Social Media post at the end of every phase. The cut-off time will be 15.00 hrs. (i.e., 3 PM) on the last day of the respective phases. Participants can choose to submit the screenshot at any time up to the cut-off time for that phase. The screenshot should capture the number of likes received for the post/video etc. The participants are also required to mention the number of likes along with the screenshot submission. If the participant fails to upload the screenshot by the cut-off time, his/her entry will be disqualified.
We will review the entries and endeavor would be to announce the results within 6 working days from the end of that phase. The Winners/Runners-up will be informed separately over E-mail and SMS. The Winners/Runners-up will be duly guided to claim their rewards.
Please find the link below.
Terms and Conditions
Please drop all your queries at the Query Box. We will try to answer the query at the earliest.