Activity Details

Share Cuisines of Your Region: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
Samagra Shiksha Gujarat has prepared videos content related on the theme “Share Cuisines of Your Region: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”. We have prepared 7 videos on different Dishes (cuisines) including Gujarat and Chhattisgarh with live making and recipes of cuisines along with the names of the local ingredients. These videos are uploaded on DIKSHA portal as well as in Gujarat e-Class Samagra Shiksha YouTube channel. The topic covered in the video content is attached below.  Information Regarding Each Session of September – 2021  Session 1: September 4th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about famous cuisine called Kuler, a dish of Gujarat and Babara, a dish of Chhattisgarh. Video content was prepared to share detailed cooking process of both the dishes.  Session 2: September 11th, 2021: The second session of this month was focussed on providing information regarding making of Puri from Wheat and Rice of paired state.  Session 3: September 18th, 2021: In this session students were informed about how to make a dish of Chilla and Pulla with use of Rice and gram flour of paired state.  Session 4: September 23rd, 2021: In this session students were informed about recipes of Khurmi and Kansar.  Session 5: September 25th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform students, teachers and others about a recipes of Shiro and Barfi from Semolina of paired state.  Session 6: September 27th, 2021: The telecast was focussed to inform about the recipes of Gulabjamun and Fara of paired state  Session 7: September 30th, 2021: In this session students were informed about making of Muthiya which is famous in Gujarat and Thethari of Chhattisgarh.
Ministry of Education- School Education and Literacy - Department of School Education and Literacy
EBSB Reports   EBSB Annual Report by States/UTs
Due to COVID pandemic, online sessions on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat included in Home Learning program have been uploaded in DIKSHA Platform and YouTube channel and linked is shared with the students.
01/09/2021   to   30/09/2021
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